Malaria remains a public health challenge in many parts of the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where it remains a leading cause of death and illness. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, there were 229 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2019, resulting in 409,000 deaths.

Despite the progress made in recent years, many challenges continue to hinder efforts to eliminate malaria.

One of the primary challenges is the ongoing emergence of drug-resistant strains of the malaria parasite. Resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapy, the most effective treatment for malaria, has been reported in several countries in Southeast Asia, and there are concerns that it could soon also spread to other regions, mainly Africa. This highlights the need for the development of new treatments and tools to detect and track the spread of drug-resistant strains.

Another major challenge is the availability and accessibility of effective malaria prevention and control interventions. While insecticide-treated bed nets and early access to “test-and-treat” have demonstrated their effectiveness in reducing malaria transmission, these interventions are still not universally accessible.


Burden and Challenges

Malaria Consultancies

Surveys and Interventions

Below are a few consultancies to provide valuable insights into malaria control:

Prevalence and Incidence Studies: to measure the prevalence and incidence of malaria in different areas. Data will be collected and analyzed on the number of cases, the areas most affected, and the demographic groups most at risk.

Vector Control Strategies: recommendations on whether to use insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and/or larval source management.

Antimalarial Medication Management: propose strategies to manage the procurement, storage, and distribution of non-resistant drugs to ensure they reach those who need them.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies: Identify high-risk groups and areas, and propose strategies for reducing their risk.

Capacity Building: workshops and training for local health workers on malaria diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. This can also include improving local labs' capabilities for diagnosis and monitoring.

Policy Advisory: Help governments or international organizations to develop effective policies for malaria control and elimination. This may also involve advising on resource allocation, legislation, and international collaboration.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Design and implement systems to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of malaria interventions. This will involve tracking key indicators, such as the number of cases and deaths, and the percentage of the population using preventive measures.

Collaborative Research: Facilitate or directly engage in research projects with local institutions, universities, or global health entities to study malaria epidemiology, treatment, prevention, and control.

Consultancy for Businesses: For private clients, consultancies to protect their workforce from malaria, particularly if they operate in high-risk areas.

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